LACMA Field Trip-Saturday, June 1st!

The CLF was thrilled when found out we could arrange a special, docent-led tour of LACMA"s Contemporary Art Exhibits, and what a GREAT day it was! Mary Lewis at LACMA arranged it for us, and docents including Linda Pennell were wonderful. Angelo Yenko, LA City Council Aide at Councilmember Bill Rosendahl's Office, set up the wonderful bus for us...With lunch on ouyr friends at the California Pizza Kitchen at the La Brea Tar Pits for a Picnic on thsi beautiful day, who could begin to ask for a more perfect afternoon? (Have a great Field Trip or Outing Idea?)



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"She And Him" at the Hollywood Bowl on Sunday Evening-June 23rd, 2013-THANK YOU,!


Julian Carrasco- Our VERY first College Graduate!