Join us for our Springtoime Chapmpagne Brunch in Malibu with Arianna Huffington & other special guests-May 10th!

JOIN The Children’s Lifesaving Foundation

Saturday May 10th  ~ 12:00-3:00 pm at the Malibu Jewish Center for a

Springtime Champagne Brunch in Malibu!

with Very Special Guests, Including: ARIANNA HUFFINGTON!

Eventbrite - Inspire. Empower. Transform! -A Very Special Afternoon Brunch with Arianna Huffington & The Children's Lifesaving Foundation

Benefiting the CLF's Summer Camp4All & Vita Network Programs for Homeless Youth in LA!

Delicious Brunch & Artisanal Cocktails by Richard & Donna Chesterfield of Monrose Catering! Great Live Auction! Musical Guests: Jonathon Forrester & Jillianne Wagner Get Ready to be inspired, enjoy an incredible afternoon in Malibu, meet some truly wonderful people, and know you are benefiting a really great cause!

VIP Ticket Holders get an awesome GIFT BAG with Bobi Leonard products and other cool treats, and even includes Arianna's new book THRIVE-  just published in March.


  Arianna Huffington will be speaking about her new defining of success, the great wake-up call in life she had, which led to the remarkable publication of  Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom, and Wonder.

      Agapi Stassinopoulos
 Agapi speaks and conducts seminars worldwide empowering others to create the lives they want. She lives in Los Angeles and New York and is a frequent blogger for The Huffington Post. Her new book is titled Unbinding the Heart: A Dose of Greek Wisdom, Generosity, and Unconditional Love (Hay House).
Susan Stiffelman 
Author of Parenting Without Power Struggles, Susan is a licensed Marriage, Family and Child Counselor, an Educational Therapist, Parent Educator and
Professional Speaker.
Bobi Leonard
Bobi LeonardAn innovative force in American interior design for nearly three decades, Bobi Leonard owned one of the largest interior design companies in America. Bobi's client roster included Candice Bergen, Robert Redford and many other celebrities. In 1999 she was the recipient of the prestigious Women in Business award for her contributions to the decorative arts.

This will be a beautiful, inspiring brunch at the Malibu Jewish Center and ...Enjoy champagne, Richard Chesterfield's amazing artisinal cocktails created for this event,  and a delicious brunch from Monrose Catering, as we throw the best Spring Party in Malibu for the Children's Lifesaving foundation's Camp4All & Vita Network Programs.

* Proceeds of all  ticket sales, sponsorships, and Wonderful Live Auction will benefit these terrific programs.  Your tickets are TAX-DEDUCTIBLE.

PLEASE  CONTACT US FOR EVENT SPONSORSHIP LEVELS, TABLE SALES & DETAILS! CALL FRANCESCA AT: 310-508-1651 *Discounted Group Tickets and Corporate Rates Available!


An amazing, inspiring Day on May 10th- with Arianna Huffington & Friends!
