Happy #WorldOceansDay!

Happy #worldoceansday2024 ! We are SO excited for this summer’s programs, and our Surf Camp component of Camp for All is coming up! A free program serving youth from historically underserved neighborhoods in Los Angeles (and the wonderful partner agencies who serve them) it is also a genuine goal of this program to create future stewards and citizens of our beautiful natural coastlines! We want to give extra special thanks to our great friends at the California Coastal Commission today: Their Whale Tail Grant Program is a signature sponsor of our CLF Coastal Eco-Mariners Surf Camp Program, and we are so very grateful to them for this, and all of the wonderful work they do-to preserve our coasts, and to educate us about how to keep them pristine, healthy, and THRIVING! Did YOU know that you can get your own “Whale Tail” license plate, and support this wonderful program? It’s true! You can do it at any time, and order it right HERE! This is a wonderful way to support Worlds Ocean Day, too! 🌊 🏄🏿 🏄🏿‍♀️ 🏄🏿‍♂️ 🏄🏻‍♂️🏄🏼🏄🏽🏄🏻🐠🦀🐙🐬🐳🐟🌊 We Love You!❤️