We are thrilled to once again be future recipients of the CA Coastal Commission's Whale Tail Grant: Here's how YOU can give back to California this Tax Season

The CLF is OVER THE MOON to announce that we will be receiving another amazing #WhaleTailGrant from the coastalcommission this year!! And we have a VERY special request: Tax Season is here, and on your CA Tax Form, the "PROTECT OUR COAST AND OCEANS FUND" is listed in the Voluntary Contributions section of the California state income tax return. You can simply fill in a tax deductible donation amount in the box next to this fund, which is Code 424. You can donate any amount in whole dollars. The Whale Tail needs $250,000 in donations to continue this grant next year, and it is SUCH an easy, important way to give back to protect California's most glorious natural asset: Our Coastlines. Please consider this come tax time on your CA tax form, and more information can be found right here: https://www.coastal.ca.gov/publiced/checkthecoast/index.html CLF is SO appreciative of the great work the #californiacoastalcommission does, and we thank YOU, in advance, for supporting this amazing and vital initiative!) 🏄‍♂️#protectourcoastandocean #checkthecoast#communitycomingtogether#thechildrenslifesavingfoundation


CLF is hiring for the summer months-AND-we need some GREAT CITs!


CLF + The Open Hearts Foundation = Pure Love!