Let's Match This Grant by #GivingTuesday!

The Children’s Lifesaving Foundation is so honored to be receiving another $10,000 matching grant opportunity from the Open Hearts Foundation, and the clock is ticking until this year's #GivingTuesday Global Online fundraising Event! This grant will allow the CLF to further continue with its work with our CLF Step Forward Emergency Family Fund for COVID Relief. As we all know, the economic effects of the COVID pandemic have been absolutely devastating, and the opportunity to raise an additional $10,000, for a total of $20,000, to support this program through the holiday season is so crucially important right now! CLF has until midnight on #GivingTuesday (November 29th this year) to do so! Join us today in #GivingEveryTuesday until November 29th, as we accomplish this tremendous fundraising goal-TOGETHER. LET’s DO THIS! :))) xoxo