Happy Mother's Day & the CLF Step Forward Family Fund Gives Out over $20,000 to our Vita Network Families & Teens!!
HAPPY MOTHER’s DAY 💓to the wonderful moms in Our Vita Network! Program Director Sean has been SUPER busy the past few days, and In addition to creating and dropping-off 100 gift bags to the incredible nurses (100 of them!) at the UCLA COVID-19 WARD-he stopped off to many of the moms in our Vita Network this weekend, to give them a Mother’s Day gift, and each of them a $500 check from our CLF Step Forward Emergency Family Fund! (Many received $1000 checks last month, from our first round of donations!)
We are almost at our $25k Challenge Grant Match through our great friends at the Open Hearts Foundation! (you can still DONATE HERE!) and we are sending out MANY MORE CHECKS this week! This fund is directly aiding the families in our Vita Network with rent and living expenses ( CLF has sent over $20,000 in direct checks already) and many of them are single moms with kids and teens still living at home. Our hats go off to ALL of them 💓👏👏👏, and to all of the AMAZING mothers out there! We ❤️ you! HAPPY MOTHER’s DAY!