FULL VOLUNTEER APPLICATION FOR THE CHILDREN’S LIFESAVING FOUNDATION: Name * First Name Last Name Email * Cell Phone * (###) ### #### Address: Gender Identifier: Female Male Prefer not to say Preferred Gender Pronouns: She/Her He/Him They/Them Other: Other Preferred Pronouns: Languages Spoken: Employment Information: (If Applicable) Place of Employment, Length of Employment, Position: May We Contact Your Supervisor? Yes No If "yes," Supervisor Name and Contact Information: *Please explain the extent and type of experience you have had working with youth: (i.e.: Tutoring, babysitting, as camp counselor or any other activities with any youth-oriented service organization, school, group etc.) How do you best feel you could be of service to the underserved youth and families in our programs? Please add any fundraising and/or nonprofit experience you may have: I am interested in volunteering specifically in/as: Project Angel Wings Holiday Volunteer Hosting a Toy or Backpack Drive-Individually or with my co-workers/friends Summer Camp for All Volunteer Counselor Summer Camp for All Volunteer Surf Instructor Arts/Crafts Volunteer at Summer Camp for All Conduct a Special Workshop at Summer Camp for All Fundraising for Events Fundraising for Outings Fundraising for Specific Programs I am interested in volunteering in these other ways: Please Add Two References and Contact Phone Numbers: Emergency Contact and Phone Number: General Availabilty/Scheduling Conflicts we should know about: Any allergies or medical conditions we should be aware of? Anything you would like to add: Background Security Information: To safeguard the youth we serve, the Children’s Lifesaving Foundation screens volunteer applicants. All information is completely confidential and will NOT be shared: Have you ever been arrested? No Yes If "yes," please briefly explain: Do you have any outstanding warrants? * No Yes If "yes," what is it for? Have you ever committed any criminal offenses against a minor? No Yes Driver's License or State ID Number: State: Date of Birth: MM DD YYYY By electronically signing this form, you agree to the following (PLEASE READ IN FULL:) INJURY RELEASE FORM: In case of injury to myself , I hereby waive all claims against the organizers of/and of the Children’s Lifesaving Foundation as an entity, the sponsors or any supervisors or volunteers appointed by them, and/or the staff of the Children’s Lifesaving Foundation. I likewise release from responsibility any person, volunteer, organizer or sponsor involved in activities held at wherever venue or office location the CLF is currently operating its programs, or during any field trips, camps, outings or day or evening activities conducted outside of said operating facility. MEDIA RELEASE: *There may be media coverage during the activities you attend/volunteer/participate in, and you perhaps may be photographed and/or asked to be interviewed for newspaper, television and/or other media. The same may appear in any still-camera photographs, videotapes, motion picture films and recordings for any advertising, promotion and fundraising relating to the Children’s Lifesaving Foundation and its work, and all negatives or masters there of shall be the sole and exclusive property of the Children’s Lifesaving Foundation. ☺ Rules of Conduct: -There will be ABSOLUTELY NO socializing/fraternizing with any CLF Clients (or their family members) outside of CLF activities, and no contact made in person, by phone, or email or otherwise with minors in ANY of our programs, under the age of 18, at ANY time outside of our program dates and time. The Answers I provided are True and Complete, and I agree to ALL of the Above. Please electronically sign and date below: * Date MM DD YYYY Please email a photo copy of the front and back of your driver's license to: info@childrenslifesaving.org with "Volunteer ID Info" in the subject line. Thank you so much for your interest in volunteering with us! Please do not forget to email us front and back photos of your driver’s license too: info@childrenslifesaving.org, and we will be getting back to you shortly! Please don’t hesitate to email or call us at: (424)645-7661 with any questions you may have…