SPONSORSHIP FORM JUST FILL OUT THIS QUICK FORM BELOW, AND WE WILL GET RIGHT BACK TO YOU WITH CUSTOM SPONSORSHIP INFORMATION! THANK YOU… Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone * (###) ### #### Tell us about yourself: I'm an individual wanting to sponsor I'm a family or school group wanting to sponsor My company or business is interested in becoming a sponsor What are you interested in sponsoring? Legacy Scholarship Camp for All Day Project Angel Wings Holiday Program Event Project Angel Wings Holiday Drive Backpack & School Supply Drive Fundraising Event In-kind Items: New Toiletries, Clothing, Backpacks or Toys- (Please Note: All items must be BRAND NEW) Anything else you'd like to share? Thank you! We will get back to you shortly! Thank you for your interest in helping the Children’s Lifesaving Foundation’s Programs! We will be getting back to you shortly…:)