Check Our New Fire Prevention Guide for L.A. City Families-Funded by the CA Fire Foundation!

The CLF is thrilled to announce that we will be releasing our new “How To Prevent A Fire When Living In a City “ Guide, the creation of which was generously funded by the California Fire Foundation, we will be sending this booklet out free-of-charge to partner agencies serving underserved families throughout Los Angeles county, and via our mailing lists, with a larger launch during National Fire Prevention Month in October of 2023.

Thank you so much to the great staff at the CA Fire Foundation, and to Cathy Taylor, the City of Santa Monica’s Fire Prevention Coordinator.

Families living in Los Angeles apartment buildings, especially, need to feel very secure and knowledgeable about their rights, and how to make their apartment safe in the case of a natural fire emergency.

This guide is a user-friendly way to help make this happen. It will also be evergreen here on the CLF website’s Resource Page. Enjoy!